Sunday, January 10, 2010

I want to thank the Lord for loving me and reminding me of his love. I also want to thank the Lord for a family that listens to him. As I sit and think about where he has brought me from, my eyes begin to tear up. I know it is not a coincidence that my life is right where it is. That I live right where I live, and that I am surrounded by a loving family. A family that knows me inside and out. That is just as excited about my future as I am. That tells me what I need to hear, when I need to hear it. Even when I don't want to hear it. A family that I can cry with, play games with, share dinner with, and belly laugh with. God you truly are AMAZING, and I just want to share that with everyone. I love the life the Lord has given me and want more of his blessings. Hold on everyone.....God is moving!

Shining Star!

Shining Star!
Drew Boo!

I love this man!!!

I love this man!!!


Sweet boy!

Don't ever grow up.....

Don't ever grow up.....
The boys tree swing!