Sunday, December 21, 2008

Game playing

So I thought I would put in a picture to show you how "into" the game they get. I really don't even think they knew I was taking this picture. They will NEVER EVER take their eyes off the TV screen. It's so comical! (from left to right . . . John, Matt, Jake, and David)

Family Time

Today has been a GREAT day. When I woke up . . . I went to my Granny's house and helped her get the house ready for our big feast we were having. Some of my family came in from Georgia and we got to have our Christmas with them. They were not the only ones that came in town. All of our family was there. All my aunts, uncles, cousins, and nephews. We always have such a good time when we get together. That is the main reason I love the holidays. Now (at 10:00pm) my brother-in-law and his son are here playing games with my husband and cousin Matt. This will go on for a long time I am sure. They are so into playing all sorts of games. It really is a site to see!! They crack me up. I am so thankful for a close family!!!!

My brother-in-law

Here is a picture of my brother-in-law, David. He is so much fun to be around. I am so thankful for family. Not sure what my husband would do without this man!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Me and Drew

This is my favorite picture of me and Drew. He is such a sweetie!

My Jaker Waker Daker Boy

This is a picture of Jake. He is my first nephew, and let me tell you . . . he is such a smart kid. He is also really good at sports. He plays on the Stockton Cardinals baseball team as well as the Stockton Tigers basketball team. I love to watch him play ball. He is really really good. I don't think there is anything Jacob couldn't do. SERIOUSLY!!!

My Drew Boo

So . . . this is my second nephew Drew. I absolutely love this picture because it shows how much Drew likes to "ham" it up. We sing and dance together all the time. I cherish those moments because I am sure before too long . . . he will realize I have no skills in the dancing department. He loves to dress up in all sorts of costumes. You name it and I bet he has the costume. He lives in such a magical world. I love you Drew!!!!!!

My Tater Bug

This is a picture of Tate. He is my sister's third child . . . so my 3rd nephew. He is such a sweet, sweet boy. He is finally into staying the night at my house "all by himself". Every time he asks me if we can go get some candy from "PJ's". I being the aunt say yes . . . however he has informed me that I can NOT buy him any suckers. When I asked him why, he said his mommy told him they would "rotten" his teeth out. Guess he won't be getting any suckers.


This is "momma's KimOnes" . . . baby talk for my dog Kendra! She is so sweet!!!!!!


This is a picture of me and my Granny! She is the best Granny in the whole wide world!! This I am sure of! She is also the best cook. She has taught me a lot about cooking since I moved back to my hometown of Stockton. I hope one day to perfect her gravy. Trust me . . . IT ROCKS!!!!

Lilly "blue" eyes

Another great picture of Lilly. Look at those lashes and blue eyes. How could you say no to them?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our Wonderful Life

Well with the new year approaching I thought I would start something new . . . BLOGGING!!!! So far I am convinced that to blog with ease you have to be between the ages of 13 and 18. I however . . . am an eager learner. My sister and I have started this little journey together, and are having a blast. LOL! So . . . only time will tell! You can let me know. Bye for now! Heather

Shining Star!

Shining Star!
Drew Boo!

I love this man!!!

I love this man!!!


Sweet boy!

Don't ever grow up.....

Don't ever grow up.....
The boys tree swing!