Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wonderful Peace

It amazes me how fast things change in our lives. How we start each morning with an agenda or plan as to how we "think" things are going to work for us that particular day. I am learning very quickly that when you let the Lord lead your life . . . even when things don't go the way you thought they would . . . he is there to help you through those times. I know it has always been a given for me and my family to say that the Lord is in control, but when you TRULY let go and let GOD . . . you stand in awe at how wonderful he is. I had a strange phone call today. It was not very good news on the other end of the phone. In all of it however, I want to give the Lord the glory. I truly relied upon him today for strength and he supplied every need. I know that through him . . . I don't need to get upset and dramatic. He wants me to remain calm and level headed so that I can hear what he is saying to me. It is a comfort like no other. Nothing can compare. Thank you Lord Jesus for teaching me to listen to you. You give such a wonderful peace to those who listen. I love you!

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Shining Star!

Shining Star!
Drew Boo!

I love this man!!!

I love this man!!!


Sweet boy!

Don't ever grow up.....

Don't ever grow up.....
The boys tree swing!