Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another Snow Day!!!! YEAH!!!!

Well this is the view from my front door today! I love the look of it, but hate being out in it. It is SOOOO cold. We went to the movie store last night to prepare for today (praying for no school so my nephew Jake could stay the night) renting 3 movies and a game for my nephew to play while he is here enjoying the weather with us. When we got home . . . we started watching the movie and our TV went out. This of course upset my husband, but I actually like times like this. Him and my nephew have had more fun today WITHOUT that silly TV than they have in a long time. I love the way the lord works.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A lovely Sunday afternoon . . .

Today has been such a wonderful day!! God has truely blessed me. I visited a new church this morning and really liked it. Then after church I had my mom, Dave, and Granny over for lunch. It was nice getting to visit with my family. Now that everyone has left . . . my husband and I are enjoying a quiet afternoon together. I love days like this. When you get to sip on hot coffee and chat with the one you love. I truely thank God for all his many blessings. I love being right where I am at!!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

I had the best day with you . . . today!

Stephanie . . . I want to let you know that I truly had the best day with you Saturday! Your the BEST sister EVER and you were so much fun! Thanks for letting your hair down with me!

So . . . I wanted to let you all know how thankful I am to have my family. Especially my sister!!!! Saturday was a "girls day of fun". I don't think I have ever had so much fun! We laughed so much! It truly was a stress free day. Nothing but the wind in our hair! Well . . . that is a figure of speech because we got our hair done that day and trust me . . . we would not let the wind blow it to much! :) Can't mess up the pretty do! The Lord definitely knew what he was doing when he gave me Stephanie for a sister. She is everything I need her to be!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Well it has been awhile since the last time you heard from me-so I thought I would update you on some new things in my life. There has been a new addition in my life as of 1-2-09. His name is Ori, and he is a sweet little Shih-Poo puppy. He is so sweet and my 5 year old miniture princess schnauzer Kendra is adapting very well. She is a good big sister as of now, but I am sure that when the honeymoon period is over she will get her knocks in. I will try to get some pictures downloaded soon so you can see just how cute our little Ori is. Hope the new year finds everyone doing well, we are just great! Talk to you soon.

Shining Star!

Shining Star!
Drew Boo!

I love this man!!!

I love this man!!!


Sweet boy!

Don't ever grow up.....

Don't ever grow up.....
The boys tree swing!