Monday, January 5, 2009

I had the best day with you . . . today!

Stephanie . . . I want to let you know that I truly had the best day with you Saturday! Your the BEST sister EVER and you were so much fun! Thanks for letting your hair down with me!

So . . . I wanted to let you all know how thankful I am to have my family. Especially my sister!!!! Saturday was a "girls day of fun". I don't think I have ever had so much fun! We laughed so much! It truly was a stress free day. Nothing but the wind in our hair! Well . . . that is a figure of speech because we got our hair done that day and trust me . . . we would not let the wind blow it to much! :) Can't mess up the pretty do! The Lord definitely knew what he was doing when he gave me Stephanie for a sister. She is everything I need her to be!

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Shining Star!

Shining Star!
Drew Boo!

I love this man!!!

I love this man!!!


Sweet boy!

Don't ever grow up.....

Don't ever grow up.....
The boys tree swing!